Sunday, July 17, 2011

Settling into the Big D

Hello friends,

It has been a month since we have moved into our apartment. Here is a quick update on what we have been up to. I will try to update in more detail as soon as possible.

  • We moved into our new apartment. It's in a great location, with everything we could possibly want or need close to us. 
  • I started a new job. Monday will be my fourth week. I work for a public relations company, but my boss is also launching a new high-end perfume and candle fragrance line in October so I have been designing the boxes and bottles and working on the website. I have also been doing a lot of social media to try to get people excited about the brand. 
  • Chris and I have moved my travel blog to its own domain. You can now find it at It was a lot of work to make the transition, but it has been worth it. I love the new layout and I still enjoy writing for it every week. 
  • I still write for the Examiner. You can find all of my articles at I would really appreciate it if you would look as I get a little bit of pocket change in return for each page view. 
  • Next week is our "super week"- our birthdays and anniversary. I have been working hard to make it special for Christopher since he will be starting medical school in four weeks. [He doesn't like to hear that.]
I hope everyone is doing well and I will try to update in more detail in the future. 

With love, 