Friday, December 30, 2011

A Year in Review: 2011

Chris and I have been blessed with a wonderful year, filled with many adventures and changes.  I thought I would do a quick recap of some of the highlights of 2011 as we look forward to beginning 2012.

January: We left for Maastricht, The Netherlands for our three-month study abroad trip. We also traveled to London and Bath, England on a group trip with our program.

Chris and I at Stonehenge on our group trip to London.

February: The highlight of February was spending Valentine’s Day in Paris with Chris. We had so much fun exploring the city and spending time together. We also visited Berlin, Potsdam, Cologne and Munich in Germany, Salzburg in Austria, Brussels in Belgium and Lyon, Dijon and Strasbourg in France.
Chris and I near the Eiffel Tower.

March: In March, we celebrated Carnaval in Maastricht. It was so fun to be part of the celebrations. We took a day trip to Amsterdam before the festivities. We also got a full week off from school so we visited Prague in the Czech Republic and Vienna in Austria. We then met up with Chris’s family in Zurich and visited Interlaken, Grindelwald and Bern in Switzerland. The next weekend we met up with Chris’s family in Paris and went to the Louvre and visited two castles in Loire Valley. Then, Chris and I took a day to visit Bruges in Belgium and then headed to Gent, Belgium to meet up with my friend Kim! It was so great to see her again. Chris and I took one final trip to Heidelberg, Germany before our month of travel.

April: We finished school at the end of March so April was our month of travel. We took a night train from Paris to Madrid and visited Madrid and Barcelona in Spain. We then headed to Nice and Marseille in France, visiting Monte Carlo while in Nice. After France, we begin our wonderful tour of Italy, visiting Milan, Venice, Florence, Pisa, Rome, Naples, Capri, Cinque Terre and Stresa. Chris and I finished the month of travel with a relaxing day in Annecy in the French Alps.  We returned to the United States in late April.

Me in the beautiful Cinque Terre.

Chris and I in Barcelona.

May: In May, Chris and I both graduated from Baylor! Though we were sad to leave Baylor and our great apartment in Waco, we were excited to start the new phase in our life. I also started a new travel blog- I have been writing three times a week for the blog. 

Chris and I graduated from Baylor!

June: Chris and I moved to our new apartment in Dallas. I also started working at a public relations firm.

July: Chris and I got our sweet puppy, Skyler, on my birthday. She is a corgi mix. We had fun adjusting to our new role of dog parents.

Our sweet puppy Skyler.

August: Chris started med school! He has enjoyed his first semester as an MS1.

September: Skyler graduated from puppy training! She was so cute in her graduation cap.

Skyler graduated!

October: The big event of October was Chris’s white coat ceremony. We also went to the State Fair of Texas.

November: Chris and I went back to Baylor for Baylor Homecoming!  We got to meet up with friends and watch Baylor beat Missouri. It was so great to be back for a weekend. We also got a few days off to spend Thanksgiving with Chris’s family.

December:  We traveled back and forth to the Waco area a lot- I was a bridesmaid in Katy’s wedding and then the next weekend we headed over to spend Christmas night and a few days after Christmas with Chris’s family.

We had such a fun 2011, traveling around Europe and getting a new puppy. We are excited to see what 2012 holds for our little family.