Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hello World!

One of my new years resolutions is to write more so today, I started two (yes, two) new blogs. This is going to be my personal blog, and is going to be my travel rating blog.

This year is full of changes: I am studying abroad in the Netherlands for my final semester of college, and my husband and I are moving to Dallas once we graduate from Baylor University.

This is for friends and relatives to keep up with Chris and me while we are in the Netherlands and beyond.

For those who don't know me, here are a few things to take into account if you decide to read on:

I was born in Siberia- in Yakutsk, also known as the coldest habitable city in the world. I also lived in Kaliningrad, Russia. Russia is a huge part of who I am.

I live in Waco, Texas. I grew up in Plano, also known as the places where the heat sometimes makes me feel like a puddle.

I absolutely love the Lakers. I have ever since I moved here. I talk about them. a lot. I also love other sports, mostly college football and college basketball. I root for the Baylor Bears, my university, which can get interesting sometimes.

To explain my blog name, my initials were OMG before I got married so now I am OMG with a Ball added. :)

My husband Christopher of a year and a half is entertaining. Once, he broke our window by falling out of our bed. Life is never boring with him around.

I absolutely love to travel. I speak French and Russian fluently. I love people and love to immerse myself in different cultures.

I love writing and photography. I am still learning about photography and am not very good, but I will probably post some of my travel pictures on here for people to see.

I leave for the Netherlands on January 21st and will be there for 90 days. Included in the trip is a EurRail pass so I absolutely can't wait to explore Europe.

This blog is to document my next adventure.


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