Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Living a Fairy Tale: Neuschwanstein Castle

The day we visited Neuschwanstein Castle was an absolute fairy tale. The castle, which was used as a model for Sleeping Beauty Castle in Disneyland, was situated in the beautiful mountains.

Neuschwanstein Castle in Fussen, Germany.

Me with the castle in the background

When we got to Fussen, Germany, the city where the castle is located, from Munich, light snow was falling on the ground so we grabbed a hot chocolate and took a horse-drawn carriage to the castle gates. It was amazing to get to ride up to this enchanting castle. 

Chris and I in front of the castle.

In the courtyard of the castle.

Once inside, we took a tour that told us more about King Ludwig II and the building of the castle. Ludwig II was obsessed with swans so there are swans all over the castle. Construction began in 1869 and was stopped in 1892 due to the king’s death. In the 23 years of construction, one floor of the castle was never completed. 

Another picture of us with the castle.

Doesn't it look magical?

With the snow falling and the beautiful scenery, our visit to Neuschwanstein Castle made for a perfect day. Even now, I can’t wait for the chance to go back to this beautiful place. 

Drinking hot chocolate on the horse-drawn carriage ride.

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