Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A New Chapter: Graduating and Moving to Dallas

Hello friends.

Life has been busy since we have returned from Europe. I have been getting everything together for graduation, looking for a job, packing up the apartment and looking for apartments in Dallas. It's amazing to think that this chapter of our lives is coming to an end.

I wouldn't trade my experiences at Baylor for anything. At Baylor, I fell in love, got married and embarked on an unforgettable journey with my husband. On Sunday, we found a wonderful apartment in Dallas to continue our journey. Though I know it won't be easy with Chris starting medical school in August, it will be nice to be closer to family for a while. We are moving in June so everything is coming up quickly.

I have also been busy with my new travel advice blog. I love to write and help people so I decided to try a new project. You can see my blog at pinkvalise.blogspot.com.

I hope everyone is doing well. I haven't forgotten about doing posts about every city we visited. I will start those up again sometime in June probably, when I have more time.


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