Monday, February 7, 2011

Herzogenrath-August-Schmidt-Platz: Our Journey to Berlin.

Well, it was bound to happen. For us, it was sooner rather than later.

We got on the wrong train.

This weekend, 10 of us decided to take a trip to Berlin and Koln (Cologne). Everything went smoothly until the third train change. We had about 45 minutes to wait between trains, and our train was late.

The local train ended up coming a minute before our train so we accidentally got on the wrong train, which took us to...Herzogenrath-August-Schmidt-Platz. Jonathan knew a little German (enough to ask, do you speak English?) so we found a nice lady at the grocery store near the train station who told us the local train we got on makes a loop and would be back at the station in about 30 minutes. So we were stuck waiting for this train to loop back around in this random sketchy city in Germany. We had to call Melissa Bilbro (one of the Baylor assistants) to figure out which connections to make to get to Berlin.

Four hours later, after midnight, we made it to Berlin. We were all incredibly exhausted at this point so we went to the taxi line to get a ride to our hostel. The taxi driver told us the hostel was "200 meters to the right" so he said it would be easier to walk.

So we walked. and walked. and kept on walking. We ended up stopping at another hotel to find out where we were. We found out that the taxi driver was very wrong. The hostel was over a mile and a half away. We finally got to the hostel around one in the morning. Check in took a long time so we all passed out once we got to the room.

Berlin itself was incredibly interesting. I will write a post about everything we did in Berlin tomorrow.

Sic 'Em Berlin!

Love you all,

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