Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Living Like Kings: Potsdam and Cologne

Hello friends and family,

I unfortunately have not been the best blogger this week. School got really busy so I have been trying to focus on that. [Hopefully sometime in the next few weeks, I can write a blog entry about my classes.]

Since I am so behind on weekend trips, I decided to write a quick blog about our days in Potsdam and Cologne.

 We went to Potsdam to see some Kaiser palaces. They were huge and gorgeous. [profound statement, I know.]The kitchen, which was a separate building, was as big as most peoples' houses. I will have the buildings speak for themselves:
Schloss Sanssouci- where Frederick the Great lived.
The New Palace (Also Frederick the Great)

Cecilienhof, where the Potsdam Conference with Stalin, Churchill and Truman was held at the end of World War II.

After Potsdam, we headed over to Koln (Cologne). Right outside the train station is the Kolner Dom, which looks huge and incredibly intimidating at night. 

The next day, we went back to the Kolner Dom and got to see the inside for free because it was a Sunday! (Free is a very exciting thing in Europe, where everything is incredibly expensive.) The inside was beautiful, with many stained glass windows. 

Next, we went to the Lindt chocolate factory and museum. The factory part was really interesting to look at, especially the chocolate truffles (some of my favorite chocolate.) 

The chocolate truffle machine 

With Kinder eggs! I grew up eating those.

Well, that's pretty much it for Potsdam and Cologne. I will hopefully be able to write a few good entries about Paris when I get back from our weekend trip. Tomorrow, we leave for Munich and Salzburg. So excited to see  Neuschwanstein Castle!

Love you all!


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